ISSN: 2504 – 9232  
Volume 5, No. 2, September 2020
Pages 35-50

DOI: 10.36108/wjss/0202.50.0230

Geographical Locations of Accident-Prone Areas in the Northern Senatorial District of Ondo State in Nigeria  

Ogunbodede, E.F and Olaiya Bodunde


The occurrence of accident irrespective of the cause seems to be concentrated on some particular points or areas on our roads. Such areas have witnessed accidents that have claimed lives and as a matter of fact, have left many families to be widowed,while the country has been drained of active manpower. It is in the realization of these facts that this paper aims at identifying accident prone areas in the Northern Senatorial District of Ondo State in Nigeria with a view to reducing road accident and at suchidentify accident vulnerable areas. A reconnaissance visit was made to study the area and thereafter, three hundred and ten (310) copies of questionnaires were purposively administered to ten (10) areas each: that is 31 copies of questionnaires in each sampled zone. The study identifies specific areas prone to road traffic accidents which account for various geographical characteristics of identified accident black spots. The study identifies Okia-Oka as the most prone accident area in order of magnitude from year 2010 to 2019. The black spots were identified and demarcated on a map to serve as a road guide for road users. The study recommends mounting of programmed traffic light for the management of traffic, particularly at notorious accident black spots in the study areas such as Akungba–Oka Junction, Benin-Ifon Junction and Owo–Ikare Junction. The erection of billboard at accident prone areas indicating speed limit of 30km per hour among others is also suggested.


Keywords: Accidents, accident prone areas, location, safety, road traffic

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