Editorial Policy
Manuscripts submitted to WJSS for consideration/publication should not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere for consideration/publication. Once published, the WJSS acquires full copyright for manuscripts. However, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyright materials in their work. Liability for the breach of copyright therefore rests with authors. WJSS does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of data presented in manuscripts, and opinions expressed in manuscripts published by WJSS are solely those of the author (s).
The author or lead author of a published article is entitled to one copy of the issue of WJSS in which the article appears. The journal does not pay honorarium to contributors. Similarly, contributors are not required to pay any fee for publication. Authors are liable for plagiarism and other copy rights infringements
Beginning from the year 2019, the journal would be published once a year until further notice. This one issue would be in September. Submissions can be made at any time of the year.